lunes, 5 de octubre de 2020

7mo grado. Semana del 5/10


How are you? Esperamos que estén todos bien. 

Hoy vamos a seguir trabajando con las acciones diarias y el tiempo verbal presente simple..

Recuerden que estas actividades no deben enviarlas. Deben realizarlas en la carpeta y las corregiremos en el encuentro de meet.

1. Underline the correct option.(Subrayar la opción correcta)

  1. Sarah study / studies German at school

  2. Mary visit / visits us twice a week.

  3. My mum and my dad teach / teaches in university

  4. Sam often plays / play tennis

  5. Mark usually do / does his homework in the morning.

  6. Kate have/ has  a shower in the afternoon

  7. John  and Mary live / lives in England

  8. He goes /goto school at eight o’clock

  9. I watch / watches TV in the living room

2- Complete with the correct form of the verb (Completar las oraciones con la forma correcta de los verbos)

1- Tommy is from  London. He ……………. (get up) at seven o’clock and ……………………

(have) breakfast in the kitchen. Then he ……………. (brush) his teeth.

2- Tommy ………………. (go) to school by bus. He ………………… (meet) his friends

and they ………………… (study) Maths, Spanish and Science. They  ………….. (have)

lunch at school every day.  

3- He  ……………………. (go) home at 1.30 pm. and  he …………………… (do) his

homework. Then he …………………. (watch) TV or he ……………… (read) a book.

He…………….. (have) dinner at nine o’clock with his family and they ……………………

(go) to bed at eleven o’clock.

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Hello kids!  Como ustedes saben, el nacimiento de Jesús  se acerca! Por eso les dejamos la siguiente tarjetita para que el que tenga ganas, ...